Stormwater Runoff & Management

Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall for grades 10-12

Students use hands-on demonstrations to explore where water comes from and what effects it has on the Earth as it moves through the water cycle. Students identify water‘s impact on the landscape, including a closer look at stormwater runoff and pollution. Learners will understand the policies and regulations that have been established while learning how these rules mitigate some of the negative impacts of stormwater runoff. Students investigate and explore real-world stormwater runoff problems and identify potential issues within their communities.

Coastal Erosion & Sedimentation

Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall for grades 8-10

Students explore the primary causes and impacts of coastal erosion and how communities respond to this process. Through hands-on investigation, students understand the complex ways in which aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems are influenced by coastal erosion and sedimentation. Students explore how soil performs critical ecological functions, and why/how different types of soil and sediment settle out of fluid.

Water Quality Monitoring

Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall for grades 8-10

Students explore our piece of the Chesapeake Bay, monitoring the effect of stormwater runoff, sub-aquatic vegetation (SAVs), and land uses on water quality. This program allows students to utilize macro-invertebrate surveys, water chemistry testing, and other sampling and observation techniques to conduct investigations. Students investigate how their regional and local water quality is impacted by natural and human forces, and understand how water quality policies have developed over time.

Tree Identification & Dendrochronology

Offered: Year Round for grades 10-12

Trees serve many different roles in our environment and our daily lives. In this class, students learn how different types of trees function, focusing on trees that are native to our piece of Maryland. Students will use forestry tools to measure trees and determine the approximate age while understanding how to identify a tree's health. Students will discover different types of tree management strategies that are used to protect our most precious resources.