Final Fall Planting Day | Riparian Buffer Restoration

Thursday, November 1st, the Maritime Museum partnered with the City of Havre de Grace, and Underwood & Associates to complete planting for the projects along the Havre de Grace promenade. The plantings included our area for our Riparian Restoration project, funded by the Chesapeake Bay Trust. Over 35 volunteers, consisting of City officials, DNR employees, Maritime Museum and Environmental Center volunteers and staff, and Underwood and Associates employees. The volunteers planted several hundred plants throughout the project areas, first planting the city’s stormwater project, then moving over to the Maritime Museum’s riparian restoration project.

The goal of the projects are to reduce the rate of stormwater flow, allowing it to filter through the established media. In turn, this will reduce runoff from storm events, improving water quality and reducing sediments and nutrients within the Upper Bay.

Morgan Jones